H2020 Projects POWER4BIO and Enabling have joined forces

On January 21st and 22nd, the regional two-day Bavarian cross-visit event from POWER4BIO was the occasion for a joint bioeconomy forum, workshop and field trip with ENABLING, bringing together about 80 stakeholders from different fields of the bio-based sectors and related policies.

The ENABLING BBP project, aims, activities and its online instruments (Best Practice Atlas, Coaching Activities, Brokerage platform) were presented in the premises of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs.

At the Centre of Excellence for Renewable Resources in Straubing a meet-up of mid-sized bio-based sector, start-ups and policy stakeholders took place and ended with a Centre tour as well as a field visit to the demonstration plant at Clariant. Especially the newly developed brokerage platform www.biomass-trade.eu was of great interest to the stakeholders and presented during the day with additional promotional material.

Core Innovation